“The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover is yourself.” — Alan Alda

Thursday, December 16, 2010


I am a terrible blogger.

Let's face it, I am. I suck at life. I mean really, over a month? eh.

I apologize dear readers...all  five of you. :)

Anyways...soon, maybe, eventually, someday I will write about something.

Until then, farewell.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

You know you're getting old when....

You know you're getting old when…..

1)   You laugh so hard at writing this post with your roommate because all of this is true!
2)   You plan on doing fun, spontaneous things like watching a movie or having a dance party. But instead you sit on your computer…and then realize you’re to tired to do any of those “fun, spontaneous things you once talked of”.
3)   You question if you’re to old to have a dance party.
4)   You talk yourself into thinking that 9:00pm actually sounds like a good time to go to bed.
5)   You wonder if it’s to late to have dinner, and then realize its only 6:00
6)   Catnaps are the highlight of your day, or used as a reward.
7)   You’re stuck in between the “old lady” section and the “teen section” at the mall and wonder where you belong. Then you realize you prefer the once feared “old lady section”.
8)   A girl you once babysat is getting married before you.
9)   You actually enjoy crocheting and might use them as legit gifts for people.
10)Your favorite part of the week is when the latest issue of “Martha Stewart living” has arrived, finally.
11) You realize that coffee is no longer just for fun, its necessary.
12) You lose your keys and your phone way to often.
13) Your favorite movie is the 1998 classic You’ve Got Mail.
14) You realize that your once beloved TV shows are now playing on Nick at Night.
15) Your students in your youth group have never heard of things like, The Spice Girls, Saved by the Bell and Full House.
16) You are seeing certain clothing styles come back around and you’re excited for stirrup pants to return again.
17) You are sore after an all staff clean up day, and may or may not have pulled a muscle.
18) You wonder if your parents will get you Christmas presents this year or if you have been out of the house to long?
19) Birthdays are no longer as exciting.
20) You hate driving past 7:00 at night.
21)You realize that your metabolism isn’t what it used to be.
22)  You notice that no one asks you “what do you want to be when you grow up”
23) You realize that you're only 23…this can’t be good...

woowhoo! Fist pump to life!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Insert title here....

Remember that time I thought I would have free time….

That was a good time, joke was on me.

That is ok, I am not complaining. I actually think I function better stressed or busy.

 Crazy talk right?

Don’t get me wrong I have had some down time. But nothing like I expected. Hence my disappearance from blogging….anyways…

I love my job. Seriously I love getting up for work everyday. The people I work with and the work that God allows me to do is awesome. I recently had the privilege to be a part of a planning process for one of the programs at CIY. A group of about ten people from all over the states gather for about a day and a half to plan out the summer 2011 theme. Highly influential people who are wise and creative beyond their years surrounded me. We focused in on the book of Ephesians. A book that is completely rocking my world. We hewn in and focused on a key passage. We read over this passage countless times, I would say 50 plus times. I feel in love with this passage of scripture. I feel in love with God and how great his love is for us, we cant even begin to understand.

During this time we began talking about Jr. High and high school aged kids. How so often our society overloads their schedule, with the hope that they are constantly entertained. As a group we sat back and realized that is not always a good thing.  That is why this passage in Ephesians was perfect for them. It was different. It causes them to slow down. Honestly it caused me to slow down. God has a sense of humor like that. But seriously. We should slow down in life. Reflect on what God is doing. Not only do we see the need to slow down, but to see God’s greatness. I mean we cannot even fathom how great the surpassing knowledge of God is. Frankly, I love that about my God. He is infinite. He is a God of love. He is a God of grace and mercy. His is all knowing, and powerful. I don’t fully understand him. I can’t put him in a box if I wanted to. Do we take to the time to slow down and actually reflect on that?

This was a great time of renewal and reflection. Yeah, essentially it was a "meeting", which everyone loves meetings….right?  Who doesn’t? But seriously, it was a great time of refreshment. I met some incredible, gifted people. I met amazing women who were outside of CIY doing ministry in a church. I walked away pumped. I am extremely excited for the summer, for the students and the ministers to be a part of something so amazing  Plus Know Sweat is a kickin ministry. You should check them out!

Did I mention I love my job? 

Monday, September 13, 2010

September! September! September!

Fall is here. 

And I love fall. Seriously.

Let me just list out things I am currently loving.

  1. Its fall…meaning my favorite starbucks drink is back.
  2. Living in the same town as my little brother. This has not been this way in 5 years.
  3. I have free time, free time and more free time. 
  4. Cool crisp mornings and evenings.
  5. Crocheting scarves and not feeling lame because it is freakishly hot outside and no use for a scarf.
  6. Scarves and Fall clothes.
  7. Changing of the leaves.
  8. Having a life group
  9. Riding my bike in the evenings.
  10. Sitting on my patio (with my patio furniture thanks to kyle!) drinking tea and smoking a pipe.
  11. Chicken salad, indulging in some right this very moment.
  12. Blogs, I am obsessed with reading blogs.
  13. Sewing old dresses into new dresses (pictures to come)
  14. Football games
  15. Lost…Yes. I got reeled in, and I have a love/hate relationship with this show.
  16. Our Youth group
  17. Pumpkin everything. Cookies, candles, pie...yum
  18. My job and the work that God is doing there.
  19. Boots.
  20. I’m done.
But seriously life is good. God is teaching me a lot in this season of life. To be content and thankful, that he is in control and the author of my life. I am incredibly excited to see where he takes me.

 Yea, life is good. 

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Life after College...

Where I have gone for the last four years, started today without me. OCC (my former college) started classes today. I on the other hand did not.

This is a big deal.

That’s right folks, I graduated! It feels so good. I have time, nothing is lingering over my head. Relief...Freedom! 

Will this feeling of relief always feel good…or will the transition be hard?

I had coffee with a dear friend yesterday. Currently this friend is sad, in a heartache of pain as she is transitioning to a new phase of life. A life that was full of comfort, joy, community, laughter and solid friendships, to a life of uncertainty. She is excited, but it is a scary thing. Not knowing where God is going to take you. But God is good, and he has a plan for all of us. And that to me is exciting and scary all at once, but we must cling to  the belief that God is in control. I pray that she will have peace for I know she will do great things for the Kingdom.

Currently my life is steady for the most part and not really full of uncertainty, for which I am thankful, because this is something uncommon to me.

I have more time on my hands than I have in the last 5 years. More time than I probably know what to do with. Last semester my schedule consisted of a full time job, a 20 hour part time job and trying to finish school as a full time student. This fall, my schedule is work a full time job.


I believe God is saying, I have given you time. Now use it wisely. Find out what you’re passionate about. 

 Be creative. Love people. Love yourself. Serve people. Pray. Energize yourself. Live simply. Invest in people. Find a community. Love the Lord more than ever. Travel. Enjoy the small things in life. 

For this I am excited….and I embrace it with open arms.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New to the blogging world...where to begin?

I am sure this is every ones title to the blogging world when they first start out, or something of the sort.

I am not sure what I want this blog to be. 

Maybe a push to be creative, design, explore...?

Maybe for people to keep in touch with me, or get to know me. 

Who knows. I am sure I will not be consistent...so do not expect it, but I will try..honest. 

But, I do hope you enjoy.