“The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover is yourself.” — Alan Alda

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Life in a blog

Well. I could say a lot has happen in the last several months. 1. Because that is the absolute truth, and would be the understatement of the year.  A LOT has happen. 2.  It has been 7 freaking months since I posted….so it is only natural for a lot to happen.
So I won’t even begin to explain everything that has happen. That would be crazy. But I will let you in on what God has been teaching me. Let me break it down for you….the 3 ½ C’s I have learned. This is pretty honest and vulnerable for me FYI. Also, I started this blog forever ago; I have just kept adding and adding to it.
First and foremost, I have learned a lot about Christ. I have learned that he knows me, and I trust that even when I don’t understand. He is in control of my life, and I give all my worries to Him. I am thankful for that; Lord knows I don’t want to carry that burden. I have said it before, and will probably continue to say it. I am saddened by those who do not know the hope that is found in Christ. When life is hard, how do they survive? How do they do it? My guess is they don’t. I say that because my hope and faith in Christ has been necessary for my inner being to survive. Christ has remained by my side through it all, and me by his. Yes, it has been difficult; I would be lying if I said I didn’t question why, yell, scream or be angry with him. That is the beauty of Christ, he is real, he is hope, he is the ultimate reason we breathe on a daily basis. I am overwhelmed by His presence. He is faithful, he is glorious, he is the ultimate healer, he is Jesus and my hope is in him. All of my love and affection belong to Him. He has paid the highest price, he has proven his great love for us and I will proclaim my love for him. I pray that I make that a reality.
I have some opinions about the church. Most of the time I love, love the church, the beauty it can bring is wonderful. But sometimes, sometimes I am frustrated with the church and how it can be corrupt, when it is created to be so good. I don’t mean this in a negative way, in ministry it is in your face, real, and the fluff goes out the window, we become very aware that we are human. Over the last couple months, my love for the church has become strong. My love for the church has grown. On May 22nd Joplin, the town in which I live, was hit by an EF5 Tornado. This was devastating, something I wish no one will ever experience. But, on May 23rd, the church was leading the way. The church was stronger than ever. In the midst of turmoil of the trials of the world they set aside their differences and became united by one name, Christ. For that, I am proud of the church. Not only I have experienced the church through Mother Nature ripping through a town, I have experienced the church love on my family and myself personally. I was involved in a hit and run recently, my car was totaled and the other car nowhere to be seen. I was so angry, I felt helpless and a total victim. But thankful, I was unharmed-Besides it was just a car. Few weeks went by and a church, a church that I have no affiliation with gave me money to put towards a car. What? That is the church being the church. Or when the church shows up to support my brother Jonathan at a benefit. Over 250+ people in attendance. God knew that’s what he needed, He was so encouraged to see people he had never met, people stopping and praying with him, people handing him 20, 50 bucks. The church is legit. The church isn’t a building it is a community of brothers and sister willing to love you through it all. Sometimes God throws me curve balls-lately it has felt like a lot. Sometimes all I do is I laugh. I laugh, because no matter how hard, how crappy, how beautiful, how messy, how ridiculous it is, God has provided the church and my community to be a presence in my life….which brings me to my next C.
I love community. My community has changed so much over the years, from high school to church friends to college and now outside of college. Community for me has had its up and downs. Sometimes I have felt completely alone; other times loved and surrounded by so many friends. My community today has been bonded by something that not many people with ever go through together. My community has taken a stand next to me and has not let me go. I am thankful for the prayer, the cards, the emails, the money, the tears, and the laughter that they have shared with me. In the midst of what some would call devastation, my hope is growing. The stand my community is taking, the hope they are spreading, and the healing they are giving, I am forever grateful to the Father who has shown me His love through them. Hearts are joining together to fight, to survive, and to heal. Through the arms of prayer, I have felt Jesus. By the shedding of tears, I have come to know this community on a more personal level. In the midst of volunteering, praying with one another, serving together, I am more than ever proud of my community.
Don’t laugh. This is a serious one, and I only counted it as a half. Because of the craziness the last few months, the number of sleepless night, the number of overnight stays with Jonathan in the hospital. Coffee is my best friend. Everyone needs to get on the coffee train, because Lord knows when you need strength, God is there and coffee is his sidekick. And for that I am thankful, for that I am proud of my coffee addiction.
 So thanks friends, you could never imagine what it means to me. I could never repay you but I am forever, truly grateful. 

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them." -Romans 8:28 (NLT)